Chris turned 30 last Saturday and for his birthday he decided to go fly-fishing on the Provo. He fished all day and I was able to go up for a bit and snap a few pic's. I have been looking at these pic's these past few days trying to remind myself to take a break...take a break from my busy hectic life to enjoy those things that make me watching Henry eat his first coconut popsicle yesterday and holding it all by himself... for the very first time! Watching him sleep, having talks with Chris late at night...catching up on what happened in our busy day. Reminding myself to take time out to splash around in the pool... doesn't Henry look so happy? That little one- he loves the water... loves lifes simple pleasures! I'm trying to get out of the house more often... we love taking walks in the early morning and smelling the Eucalyptus trees (soo good!), just getting out to get a breath of fresh so invigorating. We've been taking time out of our day to go get some frozen yogurt from "The Big Chill". It's getting hotter & hotter and the yogurt gets more refreshing everyday (well we try not to go EVERY day). I bought a watermelon on Monday and have almost eaten the entire thing myself! I love this time of year...swimming, the late-night sunsets, watermelon, grilled corn, walks, driving with my arm out the window, frozen yogurt, flip-flops, the beach, the drive-in... I just love my little Henry... Take time out to enjoy all that is around you!