Well, there are officially 2 1/2 hours of Halloween left. We just polished off some chili and are debating which creepy Halloween movie to watch. It looks like it's going to be "Lady in White", which I absolutely adore- until the last half of the movie when "Mona" from Who's the Boss enters the picture...she's not scary? Why is she in this movie? I am very tired and not sure I can make it through it (we had a very fun and tiring day at Disneyland today), but nothing will be happening before sharing this GLORIOUS Halloween picture with all of you. My dear friend Patricia is a genius when it comes to Halloween costumes. She always has the best costumes and this year was no exception. I mean, WHO goes as " The wheel from the Price is Right?" I'll tell you who, Patricia does! I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard because of the awesomeness of this genius costume. Has it ever been done before?? I doubt it- and that's what makes Patricia soo amazing. It looks just like the real deal! Other favorite previous Patricia costumes include her & her cousin Heidi going as "Seigfried & Roy". I think they did a spray tan or something because they were very orange and had the best white spandex-y jumpsuits with sparkles on them- complete with large fluffy hair and a hula-hoop with paper flames taped to it (a.k.a ring of fire). They also went as Ari & Oozie from "The Royal Tennenbaums"- which was great with their tight black curly wigs. All that I am trying to say- is Patrica- you are BRILLIANT! Wish I could be in NYC with you and maybe be a contestant or SOMETHING?? Maybe I could be a contestant podium with a $1 as my bid...I think I am on to something. Did anyone else hear the news that Bob Barker has decided to retire after being on the air for 50 years? Oh so fitting for Patricia to honor Bob in this way : )
P.s. Hadleigh- great job on being a very orange Bob Barker; Brenda & Melissa- your costumes couldn't be more perfect!
I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!