On Saturday night our old Boston friend Rob (of "Rob and Mandy" fame) called requesting my homemade oreo cookie recipe. Now, I can't actually call it 'mine' as I didn't invent it and have no idea where I got it from. It's in a book that I've handwritten favorite recipes in for over 10+ years. So I give him the recipe and for the next 24 hours we slowly start craving said oreo cookies. And now, I'm sure you will be, too. So here goes:
Homemade Oreo's
2 Devils Food Cake mixes*
1 1/4 C Butter
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
Mix well. Roll into cherry sized balls. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet (I put mine on silpat). Bake at 350 degrees for 10-13 minutes**.
*I realized on Sunday night that I didn't have any Devil's Food Cake mixes, but I had some other chocolaty fudge cake mix so I used those and it was fine.
**I found cooking for 10-11 minutes works best.
Cream Cheese Filling
(1) 8 oz pkg cream cheese
1/4 C butter*
1 tsp vanilla
3 1/2 C Powdered Sugar.
Mix well and spread between cooled cookies.
*The 1 1/4 cup of butter for the cookies used up my butter supply. Then I started thinking- do you really need cream cheese AND butter? So I made it without and it tasted just as great. I say ix-nay on the butter-ay.
If you want to make your own stencils, here's a little how-to.
1) Print out your letters or symbols, enlarged about 75%
2) Using freezer or wax paper, trace the letters.
3) Cut letter out with an exacto knife (I buy everything from the tool king. Kidding) and cut around each letter so it's big enough to cover the cookie.
4) Place stencil on top of cookie and sift powdered sugar on top. Remove stencil.
I stenciled them and then set them on top of a cookie that had already been frosted. If you have powdered sugar that gets on the cookie (outside of your stencil) just use a small paint brush with a dab of water on the end to 'pick-up' or 'erase' anything that you don't want there. I did it a little around the letters to finish them off. I thought these would be so cute for birthdays with a big flower or train stenciled on top. I actually think it would be really cool to do a profile of your kid and shrink it down the size of a cookie and then use that as a stencil. That would be cool for a birthday. Am I crazy??
Smocks and bonnets have been uploaded to the shop and pincushions will be uploaded sometime between now....and my death. Okay probably on Wed or Thurs.
Happy Tuesday!