I love lemons. I always have. When I was a kid growing up here in Southern California, I used to walk to the end of our street, Friends Avenue, and pick lemons from the neighbors tree. I'd cut one open, sprinkle it with salt and have a go at it. We used to eat avocado's from our tree like that, too. Just a sprinkle of salt was all they needed. Our local market here has the dreamiest lemon sorbet with little crunchy bits in it. It's such a refreshing, tart, deliciously springy fruit.
I picked some lemons from a local tree about a month ago but they went bad before I was able to do anything with them. So, today I decided to give it another go. I picked up a handful of lemons at Trader Joe's (along with a few bunches of daffodils) and decided to make some Lemon Curd. It turned out delicious. I found a simple recipe on allrecipes.com. Lemon curd is perfect on scones or toast or in a trifle. I'm even debating on making some homemade angel food cake. It'd be delish on that, too. It's super simple and easy to make. Here you go:
Lemon Curd
3/4 C freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 Tbsp grated lemon zest
3/4 C sugar
3 eggs
1/2 C unsalted butter
In a saucepan, combine all ingredients and cook over medium-low heat*. Cook 6-10 minutes, and occasionally whisk until thick enough to hold marks from the whisk (about the consistency of pudding.) Store in the refrigerator.
*If the heat is turned up too high, the eggs will curdle.
It really makes a huge difference when you make this with fresh lemons, so use them if you can. We bottled ours in an old pesto jar and threw some fabric and ribbon on with a tag we printed out. Don't you think they'd make a great hostess gift for Easter?
Thanks so much for all the applique orders. I've just about got them all packed and ready to go. I didn't pre-cut any of them, because well, I just didn't know if they would do well or not and then I didn't want to have a gazillion applique's lying around. So, thank you. If you ordered some, you'll have them in a few days.
Happy Weekend!