Here is a small random sampling of what you can expect to find at tomorrow's sale! The handmade community is really so amazing. Photographers, crafters, etc.,. amazing AND we've got some great vintage stuff as well. So here are the details:
Is this a sale or an auction? It's a sale. There will be no bidding, just set prices on item's. The reason for this, is that I wanted everyone to have a chance to purchase/contribute not just those with the highest bid.
Will all money be donated to The Nielsons? Yes and No. In addition to the prices for the items, you will be charged a shipping fee. I will use that shipping fee to ship your items to you (which is why your payments will be sent to me) The shipping costs will be used for just that- to ship your items to you. I will then forward the big, gigantic lump sum of money over to the Nielson Fund.
What about all those pesky etsy fees's? Who is paying for that? Long story short, for now, I am. This little sale has grown oh, only about 100x bigger than I ever expected it to be. I'm paying for all the items to be listed (only .20 cents per item), but etsy charges a 3.5% sales fee. So, 3.5% of every item will be given to etsy and everything else will be sent to Christian & Stephanie. Also, any extra money that is left from shipping charges (I tried to estimate as closely as I could) will be sent to their fund
Will any new items be listed? I am still receiving boxes and requests from people who desperately want to be part of the sale. I currently have about 75 items sitting on my living room floor waiting to be listed (you'll know where to find me tonight). In the event that I can't get everything listed tonight, I will continue to list throughout the day on Tues. I am apologizing now if something you sent hasn't made it up yet- I'm working day and night to get everything listed. If it means keeping the sale open for another day, I'm happy to do that.
How about that gorgeous Nie Nie Doll- I want it. Now. Yes, I've received all your emails. You wanted me to hold it for you, you wanted to pre-purchase it. I know, it's totally rocks. Christine is AMAZING. I've been speaking with Christine today and because there is such a demand for that sweet doll, it's going to be auctioned off here on the blog. There will be a separate post here, watch for it Tues. morning. Bidding will take place in the comments. Bidding will end on Wed. at 5 p.m. PST.
I e-mailed you. Why haven't you e-mailed me back? Does this even need addressing? I know you are there- I see you waiting so patiently in my in-box. I will get back to you tonight. I promise.
Do I get any free gifts with my purchase? Hells, Bells, YES! The incredibly talented Rachelle Call is donating a free copy of her CD to every single person who purchases from the sale! So, so generous!! I've got boxes of CD's here just waiting for your listening ears!
More questions? Feel free to post them in the comments. That 44 oz Diet Coke and um..almost empty bag of dark chocolate peanut m&m's (what a god-send) I had earlier is starting to wear off. Someone's 3 year old is running around with a box on their head and eating pirates booty 'picnic style' off the floor. Oy.