I love asparagus; really love it. We are approaching asparagus season and one of our favorite ways to eat it is to drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt and pepper. We bake it on a cookie sheet at 450 for 9-11 minutes. When it comes out of the oven, we sprinkle it with Parmesan.
I'm realizing how much I enjoy photographing food. Is that weird? I love images of food. When we lived in our old apartment, I had to go outside to take pictures because it was the only place that had enough light and there I'd be with a ham sandwich or something lame and my camera and the neighbors would walk by and look at me like I was the village idiot and I would feel like the biggest MORON. Our new place has a window in the kitchen which is nice so I can keep my food photographing within the confines of my own home. Heaven forbid the neighbors find out what kinds of kinky things go on behind closed doors!
I have reserved some tickets for the "Picturing Food" exhibit/lecture on April 8th at The Getty which I am so excited about. Tickets are free, but you need a reservation. I think there is still space if you sign up. So far, no one wants to go with me (what gives??)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
(and Happy Birthday to you Patricia, who was born on St. Patrick's Day!)