Well, after many, many months of planning and filming and editing, the day has finally arrived. Breathe. I always thought it would be so much fun to do my own cooking show. Since we recently moved back to New England, I thought it would be the perfect backdrop for this kind of show. There are 2 tiers of donations that we are hoping to raise money for (one for 12 episodes, one for 20). Essentially, these will be on-line webisodes hosted on a separate site. They will feature recipes, holiday & gift idea's and hopefully a lot of field trips to some of my favorite places. For example, I talk a bit about this in my video but I'd love to take you apple picking and then show you how to make some of my most favorite apple recipes.
If you are not familiar with Kickstarter or how it works, it's basically 'crowd funding' where individuals like yourself can donate to projects you believe in or want to succeed. There are rewards for different levels of pledging (although you can donate any dollar amount you want.) Our Kickstarter campaign will run for 30 days which means we have 30 days to raise money to make this show happen. Money is pledged (hopefully) throughout the 30 days the campaign runs, but you don't pay a thing if the project does not get 100% funded. So if on the 30th day we've only raised 99% of the money, the project essentially gets cancelled and no one is charged the money they pledged.
As a person who has 'backed' (pledged/donated) to my first Kickstarter project over 2 years ago, I can tell you from my own experience that I've loved seeing projects become a reality and knowing that I played a very small role in making them happen. There are a lot of really cool, creative projects happening on Kickstarter.
Anyway, if this is something you'd like to see and are in a position to donate (seriously $1 would totally help) I would be forever grateful. If donating is not something you are in a position to do right now, spreading the word about our campaign is just as valuable. I have my own network of people that I'm reaching out to, but if you are comfortable spreading the word (facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter, etc.,.) I will thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I was asked recently if I was nervous about launching this project and I have to say, I'm not. I'm going to work my tail off to get this project funded and if it doesn't get funded, I'll at least know that I gave it my very best shot and that I tried. There's no failure in trying, right?
Thank you, thank you for reading my blog and being a support to me. I'm excited to see where the next 30 days take us.
To view my Kickstarter video & campaign (and to donate :) click here.