Well schools been out for about a month now- the children are actually anxious for it to start back up in September if you can believe it! We are trying to get out and enjoy this amazing weather NYC is giving us, so today we went upstate to the Hudson Valley to pick some blueberries and visit the farm. Theres a million pick-your-own farms around and I think we hit the jackpot with this one. It wasn't too crowded, it had a lovely store, animals and lots of room to run around. Oh and they had this: a little outdoor stand where you could order burgers and dogs and the most delicious corn. It looked so good, but our first order of business was the blueberries: I realized that I hadn't actually ever picked blueberries before. We've done strawberries & raspberries but no blueberries. So we picked, while others couldn't be bothered: We picked a good amount (confession: I love those little blue containers just as much as the fruit that fill them!) of blueberries then pulled up a picnic table and ordered a burger and corn which was delish! Then we explored the farm. There were chickens, and bunnies (I wish you could see the big grin on Charlie's face!), and lots of room to run around and be crazy.
There was flower picking, and more flower picking ("Mom, this flower smells so good, kinda like corn")
There was lounging under gorgeous trees, and pic's of my biggest holding my smallest, and pic's of my smallest, who was visiting a farm for the very first time What a ham. I think she liked it.
Summer can be pretty awesome.